“Sound and Witness: Oral/Aural Histories and Materiality” was a panel presented as part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s 2021 Spring Fellows Colloquia on April 23rd, 2021 and included the following presentations: Ensemble Pictures: Matȟó Nážiŋ’s Little Bighorn Muslins and the Response-ability of Testimony Ramey Mize, Douglass Foundation Fellow in American Art, The American Wing Of …
Talks Uncategorized Writing
May 5, 2021
“An Introduction to Mandé Music” Amati Talk in the Musical Instrument Department at the Metropolitan Museum of Art 04/04/2021
This presentation is an introduction to some of the overarching themes in the study of music from the Mandé region of West Africa. The Mandé region refers to the geographic scope of the Mandé empire, which existed from 1235-1469 A.D. In present-day terms, this region encompasses Mali, Senegal, the Gambia, Guinea, and Guinea-Conakry. As one …